The Cuban wedding iis a remarkable affair with a mix of abundant traditions and customs that have been around for years. Various these traditions will be religious and tend to be a way to show a couple’s commitment to each other and ward off evil spirits.
The wedding ceremony ceremony is a key section of the celebrations. That usually takes place in a house of worship, however it can also be held in a garden or perhaps at the beach. The ceremony may include rituals that symbolize the couple’s dedication to each other and a large party afterward.
Marriage is mostly a hugely significant celebration for Cubans as it allows them to start a fresh life jointly. The wedding feast day is usually followed by a reception wherever the guests can show up and enjoy something to eat and refreshments.
One of the most important traditions during the wedding ceremony is to cut the pastry, which represents the love and commitment the couple has designed for each other. The bride and groom piece a cake with a chef’s knife together and next give each other a bite.
Another custom is to toss the bouquet, which is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune with respect to the bride and groom. At the conclusion of the wedding party, several can throw rice at each other toward off bad luck.
The bucks dance is a popular practice at Cuban weddings, where every man who wants to party with the star of the wedding pins some funds onto her dress. This kind of money is then used to ensure that the wedding couple with their honeymoon expenses.